M Kashif Aziz Bastion server/Jump Server Bastion server/Jump Server The main purpose of a bastion server: acting as a gateway to access other servers within a network.It's your first line of defense against potential cyber threats. Imagine y... Networking Server linux/ubuntu cyber secuirty Aug 26, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Big blue button installation Installation Documentation https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/2.2/install.html Method Used https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bbb-install Connecting to server 1. command: ssh root@ password: elf7... Server linux/ubuntu Aug 25, 2023
Saqib Aziz Odoo database backup and restore using terminal In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of recovering Odoo databases using the command line interface, often referred to as the terminal. While recovering a database from the front end is a c... Odoo Server linux/ubuntu backup database Aug 18, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Rsync usage in linux rsync stands for "remote synchronization." It is a powerful and versatile command-line utility used for synchronizing files and directories between two locations, either on the same system or between ... Server linux/ubuntu data data transfer migration Aug 16, 2023
M Kashif Aziz Security importance in odoo The prime goal of cyber security is to decrease the risk of cyber assaults and to defend against unauthorized use of networks, systems and technology. When we talk about cyber security , its big field... Odoo Server linux/ubuntu Aug 9, 2023